
​The EQAsia workshop is one of the programme's core activities. The workshop is a venue for training and networking across the network of laboratories within EQAsia. 

The program for the workshop is based on needs and requests within the network, however, focuses on two main topics: 

Quality Management Systems (QMS) and AMR laboratory training.

QMS modules targets quality managers and officers overseeing laboratory quality management systems and are tailored to provide in-depth insights into quality management principles, methodologies, and best practices, in line with ISO 17025:2017, CLSI, and ISO 15189:2012. The goal of the modules are to equip participants with the skills needed to implement and maintain effective quality management systems in their laboratories. Topics  may include the historical perspective of QMS, the 12 quality system essentials, sample and document management, and conducting laboratory audits.

AMR laboratory training is designed for laboratory staff involved in AMR diagnostics, monitoring, surveillance, and external quality assurance in bacterial identification and AST. The training refreshes and advances knowledge on AMR detection and characterization through an array of lectures and hands-on practical exercises. Topics may include rapid diagnostic methods, Salmonella serotyping, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, detection of specific resistance mechanisms, bacterial storage, whole-genome sequencing, genotypic AMR profiling, basic bioinformatics for next-generation sequencing, and its application for phylogeny and outbreak investigation​


Upcoming workshop ​

The date and place for the next workshop have not yet been decided.

Information, including dates and the program, will be shared at a later time.

Kindly be aware that specific content details may undergo changes, and any updates will be communicated promptly.

Workshop 3

November 2022, Faculty of Veterinary Science Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

​In 2022, EQAsia hosted the programme's first on-site workshop at the partner institution, Faculty of Veterinary Science Chulalongkorn University. 

Through a 5-day workshop, approx. 70 staff from the collaborating laboratories participated in theoretical and practical training on laboratory diagnostics and quality management systems. 

You may access the various presentations and training material through the links below. 

​Workshop 2

May 2021 - Online

​Due to covid-restrictions, EQAsia converted its annual workshop for the network into an online format. 

You may find the different topics and material below: 





Entended QMS:


Workshop 1

January/February 2021 - Online​

​Due to covid-restrictions, EQAsia converted its annual workshop for the network into an online format.

You may find the different topics and material below:​

Quality Management Systems


External Quality Assessment Systems within EQAsia:


Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing




Why our workshops are key

Immersive Learning Experience: Our on-site workshops provide an immersive learning environment, allowing our participants to engage hands-on with content, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Real-time Interaction: The core of learning lies in real-time interaction. Our workshops allow our participants the opportunity to directly interact with experts, ask questions, and receive immediate feedback, enhancing the learning experience regardless of the their individual performance level.

Networking and team building: Beyond the classroom, our on-site workshops facilitate networking among our laboratories and enhance the strength of a community of practice on AMR. Sharing learning experiences strengthen bonds, leading to increased collaboration and efficiency.

Tailored to Needs: We customize our workshop to address specific challenges faced within the region, ensuring that the learning is not just theoretical but directly applicable to the context.

Practical Application: Learning doesn't end with theory. Our workshops emphasize practical application, equipping our participants with skills and knowledge they can immediately apply in their laboratory roles, enhancing both individual and organizational performance.​


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Technical University of Denmark, National Food Institute

CVR: 30060946



DK-2800 Lyngby

Kemitorvet Building 204​

Contact us

Tlf.: +45 3588 6601

E-mail: suska@food.dtu.dk